Bangkok Tripping : Video
My very first travelogue video is completed! All the memories starts coming to me whenever I edit the video. This was my first trip with friends, so it's a really memorable one to me. 8 days in Bangkok is definitely not too long, in fact we would like to stay there longer as there are more places for us to explore.
Bangkok is really all about food and shopping. We're always eating, from streets food to cafes to restaurants, and it's all so delicious and affordable! Talking about shopping, I really spent all my money there cause not only it's nice, cheap and of good quality, most importantly I can fit the sizes! So glad they cater to petit sized people.
The most important part in travelling is your travel companions. Having the right ones will make your trip a whole lot different. This trip was enjoyable for me because of the 3 of them. I'm definitely looking forward to our next trip together! It'll be at least 2 years later though cause the guys are enlisting into the army soon.
Hope you enjoyed the video! I'll be doing more of such, the next one will be of my trip to Batam happening end of this month. Also, I'll be posting the pictures and blog more in details of my Bangkok trip soon.