Axel's 21st
Axel's birthday was 2 months ago but I didn't had the time to do up this post due to my finals and project, however here it is now! Turning 21 is a very important event to me as it marks the official start of someone stepping into adulthood. For months, I had many different ideas in my head on how to celebrate Axel's 21st. I always try to fish some clues out from him on how he wants his 21st to be like but always end up failing.
When the date got closer, I was starting to get really stressed out because I have to plan many things almost all on my own as well as study for my finals and finish up my project. But thankfully I got through it all!
Axel always know what I'm thinking so even though I tried real hard to surprise him, only 1 out of 3 managed to. I planned different surprises with his family as well as some of his close friends, and seeing the smile on his face throughout it all makes me really happy.
Though I'm 2 months late here, but
Happy birthday my love