Christmas 2014
My Christmas celebrations have come to an end, and it was 1 of the best Christmas year I've ever had. I celebrated with all my close friends and family, ate lots of good food, exchanges lots of presents and captured lots of memories I wouldn't want to forget. Through this post, I'm going to translate out the memories and never lose it.
Before Christmas came, my siblings and I accompanied my mum to shop for some last minute gifts as well as look at the Christmas lights at Gardens by the Bay. However it was raining heavily so in the end we couldn't go take a look at the lights. But we managed to on Christmas Eve night!
Christmas with Spooners
This year was Spooner's 2nd year celebrating Christmas together, and we decided to do potluck since we bbqed during last year's celebration. Everyone cooked really good food, everything was so delicious! Felix even bought 5 packets of the Korean maggie he recommend and it was spiciest things all of us ever ate. It was so spicy but yet so good, we kept eating it and drinking milk at the same time.
During last year's gift exchange, Jeremy's gift was crowned the worst gift cause he bought a freaking cheese grater. Hahahaha. So this year, we all tried our best to guess which is his gift and avoid it. Stanley got his gift which was a box filled with papers and a letter, so we were all feeling quite unlucky for him. But turned out, in the letter Jeremy said that the real gift was hidden in the living room so Stanley had to look for it. The real gift Jeremy bought was a skate board, which totally suits Stanley!
After all the eating, exchanging of gifts, laughter and picture taking, everybody surprised Stanley and I for our birthday. We were really surprised cause both of us didn't expect any of that at all. We were so happy and touched we didn't bother to hide it at all, and were jumping and dancing all around. Mostly me actually. Haha.
Christmas with the Family
On Christmas Eve, my family had a staycation at MBS and we made so many memories together in that 1 day. We went for early dinner at South Coast and though their food wasn't really good, I still love it there for their ambiance. It made me feel so relaxed, so cosy and it was such a lovely place to spend time with my family.
After dinner, we went Suntec for 2nd round at Macs before my mum, sis and I went to Gardens by the Bay for the Christmas lights. It was really pretty from afar but when we went in to the open area, actually there wasn't much lights deco and they didn't give off much Christmas feel.
I feel that Christmas celebration feels much more fun when you go for a vacation or staycation. Which I will probably save up and plan for it every alternate year after I start working. Or maybe even every year.
Christmas with the 2nd Family
Woke up early on Christmas morning while the rest of the family are still sleeping to prepare to meet the 2nd family. I couldn't join them as I was celebrating with my family on Christmas Eve, so I made it a point to be there on Christmas as early as possible. When I reached there everyone was still sleeping, so I joined them and we woke up in the afternoon. Hahaha.
We cooked the left overs from Zac's Christmas party the previous night and everything was so delicious! I'm so glad I managed to taste everything since I couldn't make it to the party. We spent Christmas having movie marathon and eating samosa with 4 different sauces Zac made. Ended the night having Kimchi noodles and taking lots of pictures.
Christmas with the Sisters
Ended this year's Christmas celebration with a stayover together with the sisters. We had a few stayovers throughout the years at Mh's condo, but this year was the first time we had a stayover in her very own home. It was really fun cause we had Mocha receiving love from all of us the whole night.
All of us was craving for steamboat so that's what we had for lunch and dinner! We spent a really long time eating cause we were talking non-stop. After clearing all the dishes, we exchanged gifts, took more pictures and celebrated all December babies' birthdays. After everything, we went up Mh's room and talked through the night.
I hope all of you had a memorable Christmas this year.
Can't wait for next year's.