I was thinking what were the memorable things that happened this year, what life changing things happened and what important decisions I have made in 2014. Honestly, I can't think of many things to talk about. This year was a really good and happy year for me. Everything went smoothly and I've gained many experience, but nothing much special happened.
The most memorable thing that happened this year was the day I met someone who was so dear and important to me, and still is. About 3 years ago, I've lost a very important friend due to certain things that happened between us. I made the wrong choice which I regretted so much and always wishing I could turn back time and made things right. This year, we finally met and talked about things we should have talked about 3 years back. But we managed to clear everything and said what we have kept in both out hearts all these years. I am so thankful after all that have happened between us, she still trust me so much, care for me, love me and be there for me. We both know how important we are to each other, and I will never ever want to lose her again.
The most memorable thing that happened this year was the day I met someone who was so dear and important to me, and still is. About 3 years ago, I've lost a very important friend due to certain things that happened between us. I made the wrong choice which I regretted so much and always wishing I could turn back time and made things right. This year, we finally met and talked about things we should have talked about 3 years back. But we managed to clear everything and said what we have kept in both out hearts all these years. I am so thankful after all that have happened between us, she still trust me so much, care for me, love me and be there for me. We both know how important we are to each other, and I will never ever want to lose her again.
Another thing that happened which isn't really life changing, but made the time spent with Axel changed in a way is that both Axel and I had our internship during different semester. This meant that we will hardly see each other since 1 of us will be having intern while the other will be in school. For 2 years, we see other 5 days a week since we're in the same school. But this change didn't affect us in a bad way at all, infact we are now so sure that we can both survive well without seeing each other when he goes to the army. Since the change, we usually only met once a week or even once every 2 weeks. And because the both of us are very busy, we don't really talk much through the day. But even with all these changes, our relationship didn't change at all. Just that we miss each other much much more, but that's what makes us look forward to each meeting every week!
Towards the end of this year, I was given an opportunity that helped me make a firm decision on what I've been cracking my head over. I decided to grab hold of an opportunity that was given to me, cause opportunities don't keep coming. Everything happened at the right time. This decision I've made will affect the near future of mine, and even the rest of my future maybe. But I'll leave this to when the day of it happening is nearer.
Next year in 2015, it's gonna be a really exciting year for me. Many life changing decisions I'll be making, many important memories I'll be creating and many "1st" will be happening.
I am so ready to start 2015, I hope all of you are too.