

2 weeks ago Axel and I finally went on a date after many months! It's was our first and only date the whole holiday cause I was too busy, I didn't realize we didn't went for a proper date till 3 weeks before our holiday ends. We did meet up at his place or with our friends for dinner, but those are not dates. I felt really bad cause I didn't realize we did not plan anything and even though Axel did, he didn't mention anything at all as he knows how busy I was.

So in the end, we went to Pasarbella after my "internship" with AAG ended! I've always wanted to go Pasarbella after seeing pictures of the place and food cause everything seems so nice, and it's true. I love the place, everything are very interesting just that the price of the food there is quite expensive. Both Axel and I went there mainly to try the waffles at Bitesize Monster which is opened by my favorite blogger's mum but sadly it wasn't open... It looks like it closed down though but I really hope I'm wrong. Anyway I didn't take much pictures of Parsabella as it's really similar like what you see when you search google.

We didn't had anything to eat the whole morning so we decided to have lunch at a new restaurant called Dancing Crab. Yup, seafood for lunch! I'm not really a seafood person though so I only had crabs, prawns and corn while Axel had everything including mussels and oysters. He love it so much he made me try 1 oyster. I had a tiny bite of it and I wanted to puke. Hahahaha. I just can't stand the taste of it.

It was our first time there so we didn't know what to expect from what we ordered. When our food came we were shocked cause it's cold, there's ice on the below all the seafood. There was the word "cold" in the name but we didn't thought it'll literally be cold cause everyone else eating there had hot seafood covered in sauce, nothing cold. But overall it's still nice! I'll blog about it in April's Foodventure.

Here's Axel enjoying his oyster so much and making me try one after that...

How I feel towards oyster is shown clearly on my face, hahahha!

End off with my favorite picture from that day! 
Thank you for everything, love you!

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