Jeston's 21st | Holiday meetings


Jeston held his 21st birthday celebration weeks ago and as you can see from the 1st picture below, he really went all out for his costume. Hahaha! Got a shock when I saw him with his face painted and felt so hot and uncomfortable for him. It was a really great celebration together with the rest cause it's been so long since we last hang out as a group, and yes they are the best people to have during a chalet cause they're all so fun~ We have the same frequency when it comes to things like that. 

Really hope we can hold a chalet the next holiday!

Met my twinnie 3 times this whole holiday! Which is really alot cause there are times where we don't meet at all. Her name is also Charmaine, which explains the whole twinnie thing. The way we met was really funny, our faci was taking attendance and when he said "Charmaine", both of us raised our hands. We didn't realise there were 2 Charmaine(s) till the whole class laughed. We went to look for each other when our class ended and talked like we were friends for a long time, when it was actually our 1st meeting. Haha. 

We do have lots of similarities but yet we're very different people. I guess that's what makes our friendship so fun. We can talked about anything and everything while thinking the same way, with our different characters and personalities entertaining each other. We were never this close and never really talk much till recently. In the past we talked about things that were on the surface, now we talk about relationships, family, future and mostly everything. I love her so much, and so super protective of her.


Next is my sissy! We met and she paid for dinner while I was happily eating my food, not having any idea of what she did. She's always putting others' interest ahead of hers and always generous with friends. Next time it's my treat!


Finally, FINALLY I managed to meet my smallbully! We tried to arrange a date since the start of the holidays but always failed cause our timing always clashed. So glad we were both free this week for lunch cause we really had to catch up. There were so many things to talked about. Her having a boyfriend now, our past as well as internship. We were trying to recall how and when did we get close to each other, giving each other nicknames but we couldn't remember anything at all. Hahaha. It's really amazing when we think about it cause it's been about 5 years since this close friendship started and really, we never thought that this would have happened. She was my senior in dance but just somehow, we got really close during her final year and started asking each other out.

Also, I managed to get my tragus piercing thanks to her! Hahaha! I was so scared I had doubts about doing it, but she just brought me straight to the shop and tell the person I want to get a tragus piercing. I didn't had time to think so just went on with it and yay! Finally did it!


Met Nariyyah and Farah for dinner and as always, we gossip. Hahaha! There's always new news and this time round they really threw me off my chair. I was so shock after they told me the latest news! But the important point is I missed them so much! The last time I saw them was December last year. Farah was being really funny that night, both Nar and I couldn't understand what she was trying to say at all cause she contradicts herself so much. 

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