Valentine's Day


This year was suppose to be the second time Axel and I celebrate Valentine's day. But instead it's our first cause last year we decided to spend it together with our single friends. Hahaha! When we were planning on how to celebrate, we decided to go cheap and simple. However in the end it didn't happen that way but it was worth every single cent! 

I decided to make him fruity pebbles rice krispies after I saw what Rachell did cause it's a combination of his favorite snacks, Marshmallow and Fruity Pebbles!  It's my first time baking(sort of cause there was no need to use oven) for him and I was counting down to the day I'll see his surprised face when he open his present. But like all guys, they don't express themselves well to show how they truly feel. Hahaha. So his reaction was like no reaction. But he said he was really happy and like it so ok!

I went over to his place in the morning before going to school cause I realized if it's not kept in the fridge it won't stick together and my heart shaped fruity pebbles rice krispie will be destroyed.

After school, we headed over to Stranger's Reunion for dinner cause Axel have been waiting to try it for quite awhile. I really love the atmosphere there! I'll be blogging about it in my February's Foodventure. Axel and I went to Dhoby Ghaut after dinner cause he's getting me Craftholic! He wanted me to choose the design I want, but he chose it instead cause he saw something which he finds very me. Which I agree! I really love what he got me cause it's so comfortable hugging it to sleep, and it's like having a part of him close to me. 

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