Chinese New Year 2014


Finally completed my Chinese New Year post! Started off with reunion dinner first with my maternal side of family before going over to my paternal side for second round. Reunion dinner with my maternal side of family is usually held at my place, but this year it's at my aunt's place instead. Everything was normal till a fire broke out in the rubbish chute around midnight, but luckily it was nothing major. 

Day 1 of cny I went to quite a few places to bai nian as always. The routine was the same since I was a baby. Started off with my great-grandmother's house and like every year, we came much later than the rest so there's not much people when we reached. Suppose to go to another side of family's place for visiting but we couldn't this year cause my other great-grandmother from that side passed away last year. Last stop was to my grandmother's(paternal side) place and that's it! I don't have much places to go for visiting. 

Day 2 I went out with my family for movie and dinner cause there's no where else to go. I thought day 3 was gonna be a stay home day but no! Cause Zac invited me over for steamboat! So happy to see all of them again a month plus after Christmas gathering last year. 

Day 8 was Spooner's cny visiting! Though our group is super big, we only went to Jeremy's place. Hahaha. We had dinner at Chomp Chomp first which I'll blog about in my February's Foodventure. Anyway I finally got to see Jeremy's new place! Ok actually it's not new cause it was under renovation so they moved out. 

Team 41! Hahaha cause our group was so big, we split up and sat in different tables that's side by side. 41 was our table number which consist of people that can't take spicy food, except me. Which means I get to take all the chili! But it also means that I don't get my sambal stingray. However, I still got some from the rest who ordered it cause all of them take spicy food! 

Freaking big cup of sugarcane drink! It was so scary I couldn't finish it at all. I don't know how the rest managed to finish it. When they drank 3/4 of it, I only had 1/4.

iPhone's front camera really needs more improvement.. 

Day 9 of cny was P7's annual visiting day! This year we only went to Jia Wei and Mei Han's place which ended quite early. But it was still fun! I always love my girls~ We watched Frozen while having macs cause Liqin have not watched it yet. Everybody was really enjoying the show hahaha. 

Love this random shot so much! Forgot what happened, but that's us! Always laughing away together at some stuff. 

That's all!! I love cny so much cause I get to hang out with my distant family which I get to see once a year, have yummy goodies, meet up with my friends and have a really good reason to dress up even more! 

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