Nini and Farah's Birthday Surprise


Nariyyah, Huda, Anson and I planned a birthday surprise for Farah and Nini at the zoo! Nariyyah met them first without telling them where they were going, while the rest of us went to the zoo first to surprise them. The look on their face was epic! Hahaha. Nar, Anson and I bought them bags which were so them, while Huda baked cupcakes which were so pretty! 

Zoo was quite sucky though cause it started raining the moment we went in, and it got so heavy we had to hide under the shelter for a long time. The animals there seems so old, lonely, hungry and sad. I really felt sad when I saw them. Some even looked depressed cause it's alone. But there was this elephant that seems to be dancing cause it was swinging side to side when the music from the performance near-by was playing.

After we left the zoo, we had dinner at Coffee Bean and it was meh. I like their bownie etc. but not their meals like pasta. But food aside, it was so good seeing everyone again! 
Happy Birthday Farah and Nini!

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