Eventful November


This year, I treated my mum to her birthday dinner as a present, and it's my first time doing that for her so I was quite excited when I was paying. Hahaha. I wanted to bring her to orchard central for a Jap meal which I believe she'll love, but she changed her mind last minute cause she's afraid of getting dengue fever as somerset is a hotspot for dengue now. We settled for Ramen at Tampines 1 and it's quite good! I ordered additional corn for my ramen and they gave me 1 whole plate of corn. Hahaha!

I obviously settled for the 1 and only spicy ramen there.


This month was also the biggest burden's birthday too, Brenda! YY and I bought her nail polish and mask cause she's always painting her nails. Shafiel bought her cheesecake and we wanted to surprise her in her class, but she was having her lunch elsewhere. So we had to go and find her and hurry her. Her other friends was gonna surprise her too so in the end there was a big group of people waiting for her.


P7 went to Danzation this year again to support Kiah! This time round it's held at Kallang Theater which is so much better for us compare to last year's location which is Ngee Ann Poly cause it's so far. The dancers was great as expected, but I prefer last year's performance as this year there's quite alot of drama segment. Which it's still great and entertaining cause there are parts which are funny and scary. (There was ghost all around dancing) So proud of Kiah as always, giving her best and enjoying what she does. And this year, we bought her flowers! Cause we didn't buy her anything last year when all the audience bought flowers for the dancers. 


And this month... My family got a hamster! She's my aunt's hamsters baby. Her hamster gave birth to 4 babies, and this one was the only one that survived. My mum was telling us the other 3 died cause they were killed by the mum as they were not growing, so my bro said "Luckily jiejie is not a hamster"... In case you didn't catch what he's trying to imply, he's trying to say I don't grow. Hahaha! But it's really funny and true when he said it.

She's really cute, small and so fluffy! Like how Axel describes hamsters, they're a ball of fur. The first time i carried it, I was so scared yet excited I screamed while carrying it cause the way her tiny paws moved on my hand was so weird. Everytime I see her I want to carry her, but I'm always afraid she'll bite me. And 1 day, she did. She bit me, I was shocked, I screamed and I let go of my hand. But no I didn't drop her on the floor thanks to my sis, cause she put the hands below mine. But every since then I dare not touch her.


I have a bag which the strap broke for quite awhile and I always spend a long time typing the strap with my bag with rubber bands. Few days ago, my strap broke while I was in school and Kelly immediately fixed it for me in a way that was so simple but I didn't think of. And she asked me to blog about it. So yea. Hahaha. That's it, awkward ending.

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