River safari


Last week Axel and I finally had our 3rd adventurous date at River Safari! We were so excited, but the only difference was I show it while he don't. I couldn't stop laughing and jumping and being super noisy and hyper the moment we met. The first thing he did when he saw me was laughed and said "You put sunblock?". I was like "How you know?!", and he said "Can smell it!". Hahahha! To him, I was a walking sunblock the entire day.

We trained to AMK and had our breakfast at Toastbox first, which is our favorite kind of breakfast! 2 soft boil eggs, 1 kaya toast and 1 teh o peng. Sometime, we will have this in school during our breaks too. After breakfast, we took a bus to the zoo which was surprisingly fast!

Our excited faces~ Hehehe

The first animal we saw was this... duck? I don't know what it's called, but it looks quite fake to me. Hahaha, and it kept on making this weird sound while it lengthen it's neck.

I was super shock by the size of these crocodiles! They were humongous and it was scary when you look at them up close.

The Red Panda was the cutest animal I've seen in River Safari! It's just so cute and lazy, both Axel and I love it! I think it'll be the best animal to cuddle with and laze around. Hahaha.

The Panda was suppose to be the main attraction of River Safari, but it doesn't move at all! It don't even lie facing you... The other Panda (JiaJia I think) wasn't even out for us to see. She was lying inside which you can see through the CCTV. But I really think that what we're seeing is just a video that was pre-recorded.

The Piranhas were quite creepy. They will turn towards you and just keep on staring at you like they're gonna eat you up and not move.

Even though the tickets are being sold at a cheaper price now(cause it's not fully done), I feel that you guys should just wait till it's fully open even though it'll be more expensive cause the main attraction which is the boat ride isn't open yet. So for now, it's actually quite boring.

We went to Swee Choon for dinner! Axel love the food there, and knowing that I like dimsum, he brought me there to try. And I love it!!! It's really the best dimsum I've ever had so far. And it's totally worth your money cause it's cheap, yet you'll be super full!

Can't wait for more adventurous outings! Which we already have some plans coming up together with our friends~ 

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