Angela's Birthday | Anson's Birthday | Burdens


School's starting tomorrow, and I'm having mix feelings about it. I love going to school cause I enjoy spending time with my friends and Axel, seeing them 5 times a week, and having something to do. But I really hate waking up super early in the morning, and the journey to school and back home is super duper long. I'm really traveling from one end of Singapore to the other end.

Good thing about this new sem is that I won't be changing class everyday, and Jastine, Stanley and YY will be in the same class as me! Hopefully everyone in my new class will be nice, no drama, and maybe we'll be bonded!

This sem will also be the last sem where Axel and I can go and leave school together, and meet during breaks because during Year 3, we'll be having internship at different sem. Which makes me really sad cause it'll be 1 whole year being in school without him, so I'll definitely treasure the time spent in school together this sem.


Few weeks ago Spooners gathered to hold a surprise birthday celebration for Angela at MooJaa which once again, succeed! No one wished her happy birthday, and everyone told her they cannot make it to celebrate her birthday so she was quite sad. Jeremy, Jastine and Eugene met her first while the rest of us wait inside MooJaa, when she opened the door she was surprised! 

We had their buffet instead of their set meals as it was more worth it but it's still quite expensive though. Their meat are quite good, but I won't go back again cause I don't think it's worth it for me as I'm very picky about food and they have lots of stuffs which I don't eat. It's different from places like Seoul Garden because it uses charcoal instead of fire, and also lard for the bbq-ing part. When you bbq your meat all these, the oil will drip into the soup which makes it flavorful.


Met up with Farah and Anson too for dinner and to pass Anson his belated birthday present. Nariyyah was supposed to meet us too but she had to go JB last minute as always! We gave Anson a photo album so he can put all his traveling pictures inside which is something he wants. The photo album is very unique and nice, and Farah deserves all the credit for it cause she's the one who did the most work.


Finally met both my burdens too before school starts! Had dinner at Shokudo Japanese Pasta and Pizza and I was being a big burden cause I was taking forever to decide what to eat. Hahahaha, the both of them had to wait patiently and helped me out with my choice. We went shopping after dinner, and to find Tom while he's working.

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