Lunar New Year
Top and Skorts from MDS, Clutch from Marc by Marc Jacobs
Happy Lunar New Year everyone!
This year I had a really hard time getting my cny clothes cause everywhere I go, the sizes are too big. I literally shopped for 4 days, from Somerset to Orchard, from Tampines 1 to Century Square and nothing. It gets so annoying I was mentally preparing myself to wear old clothes for cny. Thankfully on my 5th
and 6th try I managed to get 2 sets of clothes! Though it may look
slightly long or big at the bottom, I just get it cause I really like it and it
fits well enough.
I have not been updating here cause I am so damn busy. Since the
end of last year I have many things on my plate I don’t have any time at all,
even during this cny I have to study cause I’m having my final exams next week.
1 last push and it’ll all be over! Then I’ll have the time to starting posting
more often cause I have many things I want to talk about like my thoughts on
ending school for good.
Hope all of you are enjoying this long holiday!