

Finally done with my post for this outfit! It's actually my cny day 1 outfit and I love it! When I was young, I would normally buy clothes I really like but only wear once cause it's only suitable for special occasions. Now I buy clothes that I can wear on normal days. Oh and this skirt was a present from Axel for my birthday last year! I chose it though cause he won't know what kind of clothes to get for me. Hahaha.

Anyway just 1 more paper on Monday and I'm done for this semester!! 2 months of freedom~ I'm feeling it already! Year 3 will be totally different from the past 2 years. I'll be having internship when school starts for 4 months follow by FYP. The biggest change will be me not meeting Axel as often anymore cause our internship and FYP are during different semesters, but the both of us know it's not going to affect anything except us not meeting as often.

I really need to go shopping soon! It's been so long cause I was saving up for my Hong Kong trip this holiday but it's cancelled in the end. So I decided to use some of my money for shopping! But the irritating part is most of the time I can't find anything to buy at all. It's either too big or too expensive, or just nothing nice at all. Gonna start hunting for clothes right after my last paper!

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