


I'm finally blogging about my new laptop cover! Was so eager to finish the post cause I love my new cover so much, I want to show it to everyone! My mum bought it for me as my birthday present last year( actually only 1 month ago, not that long). I really needed a new one cause my old cover was so dirty even I felt disgusted holding it, not to say my friends. Hahaha. 

I was looking through the designs and immediately fell in love with this design. It's filled with colors I love that's mix really nicely together, not that I love lion but you have to agree that this lion made the cover look so beautiful! Of course with the help of the colors and patterns. This design is so bright, colors are so vivid, giving off the vibrant feel, what's not to love? 

It's very different from my previous laptop cover. The previous one was a light pink base with cute characters all around. Hahaha, I still love that design but only if it was cleaner. It was made of cloth so it got dirty easily and there's a hole which I don't know how. But, this new cover is made of waterproof material which is what I need! Cause previously I had to hide and protect my laptop whenever it rain cause the cover was made of cloth. So don't ever get a cover made of cloth! Also, though it's waterproof on the outside, inside is made of cloth with cushioning to protect your laptop! Seriously love my cover~ 

If you want to get it, go snupped.com! Besides the designs they have, you can use your own pictures to create your very own unique laptop covers. You can even put a picture of your face but that'll be a terrible idea. Hahaha, I saw pictures from that website where someone used a picture of her and it's seriously...terrible. It's not because of her looks, but it's because seeing someone carrying a picture of herself around is just so weird. So anyway, hopefully this laptop cover will be in a good condition and last for a long time~

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