


I find dreams so important. I'm talking about both dreams that you have when you're asleep, and your dreams of being what you want in the future.

I dream a lot when I'm sleeping, and I love it cause my dreams are super interesting. Sometimes I'll dream that I can jump from roof to roof, or I'm at some place that's really pretty which I don't think it actually exist. There are so many more fun and interesting things that goes on in my dreams, sometimes I wish my family and friends can actually go inside my head to understand what I'm talking about cause it's hard to paint the picture out clearly for them. My dreams constantly includes my family and friends, sometimes even random people which I know but am not close too. The best part is that most of the time I can remember close to 100% of what I dreamt which I'll continue thinking about it after I'm awake.

I find dreaming when you're sleeping so important because it's the time where anything can happen, anything can be done just that I don't really control what's happening. It makes my imagination run wild (as if it isn't wild enough) especially after I wake up. Dreaming is also 1 of the reason why I love to sleep~ (Besides being lazy and tired, HAHA)

I believe everyone has a dream, a dream of what you want to be in the future. As for me, my dream is to be an actress. Since young I've always love acting ever since I started doing it, but as I grow older I became too busy for it. However, whenever an opportunity comes to me and I have the time I'll jump into it. If you have a dream, a passion for it and opportunities come to you, take it. Cause opportunities don't come to you all the time, as and when you want it. If you can, take the leap, be bold and chase to live you dream.

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