Year End Holidays


I'm finally having my holidays after 8 weeks of school! It's only 2 weeks so not long at all, but better than nothing! Christmas and my birthday is getting nearer, so excited~ I'll be starting off my Chrismas celebrations this year with spooners tomorrow! BBQ, swimming, dancing, stay over, so many stuffs! I can foresee it'll be so much fun! I've got half of the presents for this year already, and it's the first time I'm buying so many presents for Christmas, it feels more like a Christmas shopping experience for me compared to the previous years where I have to get 1-2 presents only. 

As for my birthday, spooners surprised me (and other December babies) in school, but I'll do a post on that another time. This year, I'm not having a chalet or anything like that cause I'm turning 19, nothing special. But, it'll be the last year for me before I start to be in my 20s! So weird thinking about it, cause I definitely don't feel like I'm anything close to 20 at all. Hahaha. I'm like another step closer to my adult life, and it's scary yet exciting thinking about it. 

But of course now that I'm closer to being an adult, means I have more stuffs to worry over. Money, family, future, studies, job, so many things. And now there are things going on which I'm worried about, but I try not to cause sometimes I feel that it's too much for me to handle. As I'm growing older, I have to be less dependent on others. Instead, some people have to depend on me which means I have to work harder so they can depend well on me. But it's somehow a little difficult for me cause I'm not ready for all these.

No matter what, life still goes on. And I try my best to have more positive things in my life and in my head. Take all these worrisome problems as a motivation to work harder. Anyway this 2 weeks will be filled with events! Which means more post will be coming up, can't wait! 

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