Double Date - Gardens by the bay


The double date Axel, Wm, Josephine and I planned finally happened! I was so excited and counting down the days cause it's our first official double date, and it's sort of an adventurous one! We went to gardens by the bay for awhile, walked around and took pictures, followed by 2D1N for dinner. 

We reached 2D1N at around 5.30pm cause we didn't want to queue, and spent a long time there enjoying the meat~ It's good to have 2 guys there cause we girls hardly barbecued anything, and our bowls will always be filled with food thanks to the guys. Hehehe. We didn't take any pictures there though cause we were too busy with our food. We talked about lots of things, and it was really funny I laughed throughout the entire dinner time. 

After dinner, we bused to town, walked around, and bought macaroons from Laduree. I bought the strawberry marshmallow one cause it's my favorite! Wanted to buy more home but it's so expensive... Freaking $3.80 for 1. For 2 macaroons, I can buy 1 McDonald's meal.

Asked some stranger to help us take a picture, but it's horrible.. It's slanted and I had to crop of the sides cause it was ugly. And I had to adjust the brightness myself cause it was so dark.

Axel's signature pose for camera. Hahaha, he always spoil the picture! Urgh! Look at Josephine and Wm's picture below, both smiling happily, while Axel look so unhappy taking pictures with me.

Wm made the both of us pose this way and it was so awkward! Hahhaha! We were just looking at all the dragonflies flying around, but the picture turn out good though!

Photo credit : Josephine's facebook

A picture with my sissy! It's amazing how we became close really fast. We're not the text everyday kind of close, instead we're that kind that understand each other really fast (maybe cause we're both NSK and our boyfriends are really good friends with each other), and when we meet it feels like we were friends for a long time. I remember the first time we met, it was a little awkward, but we broke the ice really fast. By the 2nd meeting, it wasn't awkward at all and it gets better each time! Anyway, I love spending time with my sissy! 

Photo credit : Wm's instagram

Photo credit : Axel's instagram

This picture happened all thanks to Wm. Wm was asking Axel to take more pictures cause his instagram very boring since he hardly post anything. So I agreed and was complaining to them how I have to force him to upload a picture of us all the time. So Wm took Axel's phone immediately and asked him to take a picture with me. Hahahaha!

My favorite picture! Hehehe, Axel finally smiled and look happy!

Photo credit : Josephine's instagram

Actually before this double date, we had a "pre-double date" once and it was such a failure. Hahaha! The amount of conversations we had that was less than 10. We met and they said "We're late", while watching the movie I said " The actor in this movie is from Sherlock and he's very handsome", after movie we said "Bye!". That's all. Hahahah! We were talking about it during dinner and it was so funny! 

Had a really fun day with them and I can't wait for the next one! We'll be going Jem to shop, follow by dinner at Timbre. Woohoo!

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