Wild Honey | Spooners


Last week, Axel and I went to Wild Honey for the very first time. We wanted to have dim sum at the new restaurant at Dhouby Ghaut, but we couldn't find custard bao in the menu, which is our favorite dim sum food, so we changed the location. Axel's been craving to go Hatched, but I decided to give Wild Honey a try since I heard lots of good comments about it.

I really really love the ambiance at Wild Honey. It's so relaxing and quiet, I can just hang out there the whole day and do my work while having my meal. However for the food, we prefer Hatched cause it's fresher? Wild Honey's food wasn't hot when it came. The plate was, but the food wasn't.

And here's Axel trying to catwalk


Spooners finally met up!!! For the whole of this sem, there's been lots of things happening within the Spooners Family, bad things. Conflicts, misunderstandings, unhappiness... I really thought it'll never end, and this would be the end of Spooners, things left unresolved. However like what I mentioned in my previous post on Kelly's birthday, it's because of that day, things changed 180 degrees, and everything was changing for the better. We didn't talked things out, there wasn't a need to cause all of us knew what happened, what each of us wanted to say, and how all of us missed how Spooners were really like. Friday was a really really wonderful day for the Spooners. Although not all the Spooners met due to some things they had to attend to, but it was still good enough since we've already planned for another Spooner's session after UT3.

Picture taking is a must for me, a must for Spooners, so that's what we started off with! And, introducing our new member, the fork, Jasper! Try to spot him in the last 2 pictures. Hahaha, so yes, now the Spooners family have a fork, therefore it's 12 Spoons and 1 Fork!

How did Spooner's even get the name? It started with Axel, Jeremy, Kelly and I. We were having dinner together and Kelly started to get high from eating ice cream due to sugar rush.And she started stroking a spoon, and it was hilarious! From there we joked on lots of things related to spoons, and we decided to call ourselves the Spooners. So the 4 of us are the original Spooners, while the rest are the extended Spooners. We were very close to the rest too at that time, and we needed a name for our group, so ta-dah! Story of the Spooners.

Eugene a.k.a Gu dong ge(Antique bro) bought us sour sweets! 1 of Spooners favourite sweets, expect Eugene himself cause he's super sensitive towards sour stuffs. He can even smell the sourness of the sweets and feel uncomfortable. How Eugene got that nickname from me was because 1 day in class, Stanley and I were talking about Eugene listening to old chinese songs that makes him super antique. Therefore that nickname. Carol who is Eugene's girlfriend is Gu dong sao,and they both calls me Gu done mei. There's a nickname for all the Spooners which I'll talk about next time!

Here's Axel having red teeth! 

And here's Jeremy having red teeth too, while I have rainbow teeth! Kelly commented that both of us really look like siblings here, which I agree! Since I'm talking about Jeremy, the nickname I gave him is Gor(Bro). While he calls me Mei Mei(Sis) in a super high pitch voice that's super funny! All these happened because at the start of last sem, Kelly said we look like siblings.

Spooners(except Terence, Kelly and Bonnie) had dinner at some Buffet restaurant at a CC which Jastine got the coupon online. It was terrible. Really very terrible that's why I didn't even bother taking any pictures of the food at all. But that day it wasn't about the food, it was the people. Spooners talked alot that day, catching up on 1 another and helping out those facing relationship problems. I love my Spooners Family, we all do. I'm so glad we managed to survive the problems we faced this sem, and hopefully we will stay like this forever.

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