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Top from Hong Kong | Shorts from Pull&Bear | Shoes from H&M
Currently loving this pair of shoe I found in H&M @ Hong Kong, with the sweet colour of pink making it easy to match outfits. Weekends are days I dress comfortably in basics, most of the time in shorts just because it's easy, comfortable and not increasing the temperature for me any further in this summer heat.
Weekends... It has never been this precious to me throughout my life. The only days in the week I get to stay away from what's stressing me out, yet somehow my mind will always get there. Life is super busy now, but I'm still trying to find time to shoot more pictures as well as videos. Currently I have 3 sets of pictures waiting to be edited and 2 sets of videos to edit, many things waiting in line to be shared here! At times I think really hard on how to turn what I love to do into a career, but my mind is blank so far. So I shall just continue doing what I have to do and what I love to do at the same time, and see how things goes. Sometimes we just got to go with the flow and let things unfold.